It’s been a funny week with lots of black humour about last coffees, last cheesecakes, last gigs, last Walking Dead episodes. Some friends have found this hilarious, others horrifying. Laugh, damn you!

Nine o’clock tonight I’ll be having a final MRI with GPS tracking dots – I’m going to ask if I can have some of these thingies to track down our cat, who likes to go bossing about the neighbourhood.

Then I report for duty at 7.00 am tomorrow (Tues 05/12). Chris and I have three close buddies who are coming to the hospital to keep him sane during the wait – or to drive him nuts, more likely – they’re great like that. From what I understand, it’s a 2–5 hour op, depending on what they find (insert missing brain jokes here).

For those of you wanting updates on the op outcome, Chris will post on my Facey Timeline, so please don’t inundate him with phone calls on the day – his phone will be switched off in the hospital anyway. Texts are fine as he can answer them in his own time.

I’m feeling good and strong and supported. I’m still busy doing last minute editing to keep my head in a good place – doing what I love.

Blessings to all and I’ll be back with you in a couple of days – or sooner if I can get my hands on my phone.