Receive some honest feedback. Our team of over 30 professional beta readers are intelligent, avid readers who provide constructive feedback on story and characters, from a keen reader's perspective.
Learn your manuscript's strengths and weaknesses with this professional report. Manuscript assessments provide summarised guidance on big picture issues, including story, plot and character.
Have your published book recorded as a professional audiobook by our in-house narrator and producer, then distributed to major platforms, including Audible, Spotify and GooglePlay.
An assessment on steroids. Developmental editing provides hands-on, page-by-page guidance, with editor comments throughout your manuscript. A deep examination of your story, characters and prose.
Strengthen the flow and clarity of your words. Copyediting isn’t just about catching grammar, spelling or punctuation errors. It’s the art of enhancing a reader's experience of pace, tone, continuity & meaning.
Polish your words. Proofreading is the final process on a copyedited manuscript. Proofreads pick up any overlooked glitches in grammar, spelling, punctuation, word use, headings and document layout.
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