Audiobook Production
This form is for audiobook narration and production.
If you require Editing or Beta reader services, please click here: Editing or Beta Reading
NOTE: To engage our services, your book must already be published in print and/or ebook, you must be the full copyright holder of your book, and it must have been professionally edited and proofread. If you cannot meet these three conditions, please do not go any further.

“Thank you to my editor Annie Collins who tirelessly collated and structured the book that started off as a collection of stories, thoughts and reminiscences after my second divorce. Thank you for your empathy, advice, patience and the respectful manner in which you have edited the stories that make up my life.“
Dale Craig (Memoir)
“Hi AJ. I just read your assessment and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for my writing since I started this story! I appreciate everything you said and couldn’t be happier with your advice – I don’t know why I waited so long to do this. I have a better understanding of how my characters are perceived and what needs to be amended. You’ve given me so much to think about and I’m so motivated to work on the next draft. I will absolutely get my wordcount and characters down, as well as look up the resources you suggested. Thank you for this because I don’t feel so lost with it anymore. You’re the best.“
L Hart (YA novel)