Author name: Janice Tremayne
Book title: The Girl in the Scarlet Chair
Genre: NA Clean Romance, Paranormal Elements
Launch date: 26.11.2020
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They don’t have the safety of distance to rely upon–only five days to decide if they are made for each other before Harry leaves back home. Or will the mysterious scarlet chair determine their fate?
She was unlucky in love, recently separated, and desperately searching for the man of her dreams. For Harry, recently divorced – it carried risk and uncertainty? In this heart-rending search for passion, he travels to the city of our affection to meet Clarisse. A spirit hunter and a woman with a problematic past. Harry leaves his western-centric norms behind immersed in the vibrant and bustling city.
But will Clarisse have the courage to tell him everything – past secrets, fears, and inhibition? Or will the embedded dark secret of the chair unleash its evil? As it has always done for generations?
The Girl in the Scarlet Chair is the first book in the spine-chilling Haunting Clarisse supernatural horror series. If you like pulse-pounding tension, scarily dark corners, and thought-provoking dilemmas, then you’ll love Janice Tremayne’s unsettling story.
Let's talk about it
AJC Publishing assisted initially with a beta read of the un-edited manuscript. The feedback was critical in evaluating certain parts of the storyline, plot and characters. I later followed up with a copyedit before publishing. The book took on a significant transformation in writing from beta read to copyedit and publishing—developing into a novel that readers have enjoyed, based on reviews. I achieved my objectives in terms of producing a quality product.